Address: URL |
City; Large-30, Medium-20, Small-10 points |
Location in the city: Center- 20; Periph.-30; Suburb-10; points * |
Distance to kindergarten and school; 1 km.-20; 3 km-15; 5 km.-10; >6 km.<5; points *Upload URL |
Accessibility to the metro; up to 1km=30, up to 3km=20; up to 5km=10; points *Download the metro map |
Density of development of the quarter; up to 20%-30; up to 40%-15; more than 40% -5; points *Download 2GIS |
District Security Service; -thirty; cleaning the area - 20; points *Download the staffing table |
Engineering and technological equipment; high-25; good-15, satisf.-5; points *Upload a photo |
Environmental friendliness of the area; excel.-30; good - 20; satis. -10; points *Upload photos |
Improvement of the area; excel. -30; good.-20; satis..-10; points *Upload a photo |
Cost per 10m2 -1 thousand $ =30; $3 thous.=20; $6 thous. =10; $10 thous. =5; points *Download price list |