Address: URL |
Location in the city: Center - 8; Periphery-6; Suburb-4; * (p) |
Large-10, Medium-5, Small-3 point (p) |
Duration of work activity every years-1; point * Download your certificate |
Total number of employees 10 person - 5; (p) *Download the staffing table |
International accreditation level 1-40; Lev.2-30; 3lev.-20; (p) *Download your certificate |
State awards -7; International-12; industry-4; (p) *Upload the awards sheet |
Number of State certificates. Chief spec.-5; spec.-2; (p) *Upload certificates |
Number of Ph.D, Candid. of Sc. -10; Doc. of Sc. -20; (p) *Upload diplomas |
Membership of public, trade union, associations, etc. -5; (p) *Upload copies |
Number of patents per year; 10 pieces. -1; (p) *Download copies |
Technical and technological support. Cost 10 th. $-1; (p) *Download inventory, prices in $ |
Fund usable area 100m2-3; (p) * Download the building data sheet |
Number of graduates per year: 100 students - 3; (p) *Download the report |
Number of Nobel Prize laureates -100 points *** |
Institute branches -30 points * Upload branch documents |
Financial stability, grants, projects, etc. -$10 thou. -1; (p) * Download contracts |
Work completed per year; -100 thousand $ -5; (p) * Download the delivery certificate |
Publications for 3 mon.; book-10; sc. article -Scopus -4; local-2; (p) *Attach a photo of the magazine |