Specialization; Write a specialty |
City; Large-10, Medium-5, Small-3 points URL |
License, level of responsibility 1 lvl.-30; Lvl. 2-20; Lvl. 3 -10; (p) *Upload License |
Citizenship; citizen -30; foreigner -10; points * (p) |
Position; head -30; specialist -20; employee -10; points *Write down the points |
Work experience in the industry; 1 year-2 points * Upload your resume |
Work experience, contributions in the industry; 1 cont.-2; points *Upload your resume |
Education; Master's degree-20; Bachelor's degree-15; college -10; points * Download your diploma |
State certificates; ch.spec-15; spec-8 points *Upload certificates |
Academic degree; Ph.D, Candid. of Sc. -30; Doc. of Sc. -40; academ. -50;(p) *Upload diplomas |
State awards -15; International-20; industry-7; points *Download certificates |
Membership in public, trade unions, associations -5; (p) *Upload scanned copies |
Technical and technological skills; excellent-15; good-10; satis. -5 points *Download certificates |
Knowledge of foreign languages; 1 lang.-10; 2 lang.-20; points * Download the certificates |
Accreditation; international -10; state -5; points *Download the certificate |
Publications; book-15; scientific article - Scopus -7; local -4; Media -2; (p) *Upload photos |
Recommendations from previous works; 1 review - 5 points *Upload documents |
Salary offered; high -5; average-10; low-15; points *Write points |