Address: URL |
City: Large-30, Medium-15, Small-5; point (p) |
Location in the city: Center -20; Periphery -15; Suburb-5; * (p) |
Form of ownership: self employed-10; LLC-20; JSC-30; State-40 (p) *Upload documents |
License, level of responsibility 1 lvl.-30; Lvl. 2-20; Lvl. 3 -10; (p) *Upload License |
Duration of work activity every years-1 point * Download your certificate |
Membership of the institution in the societies. unions, associat., etc. -3;; (p) *Download your certificate |
Number of State certificates. Chief spec.-6; spec.-3; (p) *Upload certificates |
Total number of employees 10 person -5; (p) *Download the staffing table |
Establishment awards; State -10; International-15; industry-5; (p) *Upload copies |
Total building area 100m2-1; (p) * Download the office's technical passport |
Technical and technological support. Cost 10 thous. $-1; (p) *Upload inventory, value in $ |
Parking; 2 cars - 1 point *Download the certificate |
Branches -20 points * Upload branch documents |
Competitor reviews 1 review - 3 points *Upload scanned copies of the documents |
Bonus system; 10%-5; 20%-10; 35%-30; points *Upload photos |
Environmental friendliness and quality of goods; Level 1-30; Lev.2-20; Lev.3-10; points *Upload the certificate |
Number of visitors per day; 100 people-10 points *Upload documents |