Address: URL |
City: Large-30, Medium-15, Small-5; point (p) |
Location in the city: perif.-10; suburb-20; out-of-town-30; * (p) |
Form of ownership: self employed-10; LLC-20; JSC-30; State-40 (p) *Upload documents |
License, level of responsibility 1 lvl.-30; Lvl. 2-20; Lvl. 3 -10; (p) *Upload License |
Duration of work activity every years-1 point * Download your certificate |
Total number of employees 10 person -8; (p) *Download the staffing table |
State titles of employees; top level-15; honored.-10; excellent -5; *Upload the certificate |
Number of Ph.D, -20; Doctor of Sc. -30; (p) *Upload diplomas |
Sports complex awards; State -10; Internat.20; Region -15;(p) *Download your certificate |
Title of trainers; candid. master sports -10; m. s. – 15; inter. m.s.-20; *Upload certificates |
Membership of the sports complex in public unions, associations, etc.-3; (p) *Download your certificate |
Technical and technological support. Cost 10thou.$-1; (p) *Upload inventory, value in $ |
The total area of the sports complex is 100m2-1; (p) *Upload the building data sheet |
Open polygons, trails; 1km-5; points * Upload documents |
Number of athletes per day; 10 people. -5; (p) *Download the log |
Competitor reviews 1 review - 3 points *Upload scanned copies of the documents |
Winners of the championships; internat.-30; regional- 20; state -10; (p) *Download the certificate |